Reading for Battle

Battle Readings is a regularly updated compilation of articles, essays, and opinion pieces relevant to the themes of the Battle of Ideas.

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Politics & Ideology

Why we all love minorities (and want to be one)
Maarten Boudry, , 11 October 2016

Turning parliament against The People
Luke Gittos, spiked, 5 July 2016

Securitising education to prevent terrorism or losing direction?
This article examines the growing relationship between security and education, particularly in the light of the UK government’s Prevent Duty that seeks to tackle radicalisation in a variety of milieus, including universities
Bill Durodié, British Journal of Educational Studies, 2016

Who's Afraid of the Easter Rising? 1916-2016

The Easter Rising lit a fire that ended with the whole country turning against Westminster's rule, and founding a nation. But today, the heirs to the Irish state are embarrassed about 1916.

James Heartfield & Kevin Rooney, Zero Books, November 2015

Essex Autonomy Project
The Essex Autonomy Project is a collaborative, interdisciplinary research initiative of the Philosophy Department at the University of Essex. Its aim is to investigate the ideal of self-determination in human affairs.
University of Essex

Niccolo Machiavelli and Violence
Introductory lectures to the most important historical and contemporary theorists dealing with the problem of violence
Elizabeth Frazer, Histories of Violence

Feminist backlash against the censors shows tide turning in free speech debate
We are seeing the first signs that the tide is turning in the free speech debate. Event organisers are finally coming under as much pressure from free speech defenders as they are censors.
Ian Dunt,, 30 September 2015

Snuggling up to the party is electoral death
The more attention political leaders pay to their members, the more they neglect the voters they really need
Matthew Parris, The Times, 26 September 2015

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Festival Buzz
Each to his iPod or Great Music For All

View: Each to his iPod or Great Music For All

"The Battle of Ideas is adrenaline for the mind. A chance for intellectual fisticuffs with some of the best-known and most stimulating thinkers in the world."
Colin Blakemore, professor of neuroscience, Oxford University